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Cocktails, Quizzes and Yoga – Rapport Celebrates World FM Day

World FM Day showcases the vital work Facilities Management professionals contribute to businesses across the world and aims to raise the profile of these important roles.


In Rapport we have many FM related roles across our business, which include Porters, General Duties Assistants, Room Technicians, Floor Managers, Floor Hosts and Assistant Facilities Managers. World FM Day was an opportunity to recognise their hard work and the contribution they make to our overall success.

This year brought us a lot of virtual activities to mark the day and celebrate the wonderful work that our FMs do. There was a big focus on wellbeing, with a live yoga session, guided meditation, nutritional guidance and other self-care related initiatives.

Our Ambassadors were spoilt for choice this year with so many online events. Many logged on to take part in the very popular quiz and tested their knowledge for the chance to win prizes. We also had a live and interactive cocktail/mocktail demonstration masterclass that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
Despite this year’s World FM Day being a little different for us as we were in lockdown, we wanted everyone at Rapport to still have an action-packed day and show our teams how proud we are of the work that they do. Although we would usually have so many events in person, having these virtually meant that everyone had the opportunity to attend more of these from the comfort of their own desks